Monday, October 17, 2011

software secrets exposed

How I Made $42,113 in 5 Months Using the Secrets I Expose in this NEW Guide (with just one project!) —AND How You Can Do It Too!"

Dear Internet Friend,
It's insane. The nerds have won!
Bill Gates, America's ultimate and richest geek — has a "net worth" of well over forty billion dollars(To give you some perspective — compared to what the average person earns, Bill Gates could purchase a $300,000 Lamborghini Diablo for about $.31!)
Three of the five richest people in the United States have one thing in common — they built their massive wealth —
— By Creating Software!
Hundreds of software millionaires have built their software empires by following the same pattern over-and-over:
  • They develop a hot idea for software...
  • ...transform these ideas into best-selling softwareand then...
  • ...rake in dump truck loads of cash by offering it to millions!
But you're asking — what does that have to do with me?
If you've ever dreamed about building a business that can stand the test of time, that can deliver consistent massive profits, that doesn't take a genius to create and maintain — you can now get your hands on the ultimate step-by-step guide to the secrets of the software business! (I'll tell you more about its secrets in a second!)
Your dream can now be a reality!
You see — these companies want you to think that developing software is too hard or too expensive. They want you to believe that software development is only for the elite — the super-smartor the super-powerful.
But you know what —
— "That's a Big Fat Load of Bull!"
Look — I'm no stranger to the software business.
I've been developing software for the last decade. I've created dozens of powerful software applications — some that span hundreds of thousands of lines of code in length. I've commanded an organization as the Chief Technical Officer (CTO).
If there is one thing I know — it's software!
But — you know what I finally figured out?
The secret to creating massive software profits boils down to three simple steps:
  • Get a Killer Software Idea. Companies spend millions of dollars engineering "processes" to generate software ideas. What a joke! All you need is a system that consistently delivers hundreds of software ideas to your doorstep — day after day.
  • Building the Software using a Time-Tested Proven Blueprint. You've seen it — software that just plain sucks. It sucks because someone forgot to use a time-tested proven system for designing their software. They get lazy and guess what? You pay for it. All you need is a system that gives you the step-by-step blueprint that delivers great software everytime.
  • Making the Software Available. Every year, software companies like Microsoft, IBM and Sun spend millions of dollars promoting and marketing their software. What? Are they crazy? (Yes.) All you need is a system that delivers proven strategies — to generate massive low-cost and free exposure to your software and techniques that get people to buy — right now.
That's it!
Three steps stand between you today — and a software empirethat could have your name on it tomorrow! (Imagine THAT for a second! Exciting, huh?)
The magic is that the formula doesn't require you to be a software programmer. In fact — I hope you've never seen a line of code!
Nope! Not one!
Let me boil it down... In the next 30-minutes you could have, inyour own two hands, a step-by-step formula for churning software ideas into software gold.
I was determined to create a guide that could show anyone cancreate, build and sell software — and, in doing so, exposing the secrets that mega-software corporations were keeping under lock-and-key. But why?
Let me tell you a little story —
In March, I was invited to Microsoft. I was going to meet one of Microsoft's most Senior Software Developers (they call them "Researchers"). He was going to take me on a tour of the "campus" — complete with beautiful parks, amazing buildings andimpressive monuments.
I had never been on Mr. Gates's turf — and was thrilled to be able to see it for the first time!
When I walked into the engineer's office, he was grinning. (Hey, I just thought he was a generally happy guy!) After a few minutes of small talk, he showed me an image on his computer — a photo of a beautiful Ferrari, glowing in this wild deep purple hue. I thought he had found the photo at Car and Driver's website.
"Ben, can you believe this is my car? My wife and I flew to Italy to watch as it was being built on Ferrari's assembly line. We wanted to make sure the color was perfect!"
As you can imagine, I was floored!
That was HIS car in HIS driveway!
So I asked —
"How long have you been working here at Microsoft?"
He told me that he'd been there just under 10 years. And noted — he was thinking about retiring soon.
As we toured more of the "campus", I discovered that Microsoft has created nearly 21,000 millionaires and multi-millionaires in its brief 20-year existence.
The Engineer invited me into one of Microsoft's Secret Development Labs — if I promised not to tell anyone about what I was getting ready to see. I leapt at the opportunity! (I must have looked like a dog with my tongue wagging!)
Using a keypad, he punched in his secret code and the door opened(I thought I was on the Starship Enterprise!) I can't tell you much — but I'll tell you this — Microsoft spends "truckloads" of money in researching new ideas and new technologies.
He showed me around — demonstrating some of the "cool stuff"(he liked saying that) that Microsoft would soon be releasing to the public. (Hint: Think X-Box-ish!)
While we were in that Lab, he stopped, thought for a moment and said,
"Ben, everyday it still amazes me — every single day we're generating killer ideas, using our magic systemto turn these ideas into software, and getting people to shell out millions of dollars to buy our software all around the world.
"Listen — we're taking a $20,000 operating system and burning it on to a CD that costs us pennies. In any other industry, you measure margins with a razor — but not with software industry! We have fat margins!
"Look — there is no question in my mind or Bill's mind(he calls him Bill!) that creating and publishing software is and will continue to be the most profitable businessin the world for the next 50 years!"
I was dumbfounded.
And I was mad! I was mad that companies like Microsoft thought they had some kind of magic pixie dust they could sprinkle on their ideas — and turn them into raging software successes!
Not true!
But he was also "dead-on" — there is no single business in the world that can match the sheer potential of the software business. Bill Gates is living proof!
I needed to leave, thanking him for the time and the ultimate tour. (He even offered to give me a spin in his Ferrari — but he didn't bring it to work that day because of the rain. Darn Seattle weather!)
This meeting became the birth of my project "SoftwareSecretsExposed!™". Microsoft, IBM, Sun and other software companies thought that they could guard the secrets to their software success — but they were "dead wrong".
What a person needed to replicate Microsoft or any other software company — was simply — a system.
How could I take on these massive giants?
I devised a plan...
On the six-hour flight home, I began sketching an outline of the secrets I wanted to expose — absorbing my experience as a programmer and a marketer.
I began to outline a step-by-step system that would allow anyone, regardless of their level of technical skill — to be able to generate hot software ideasturn the ideas into software, andpublish them to the world for hefty profits.
It was time...
bolted the door to my study and began squeezing my brainfor every last nugget of experience I had stowed away in my years of experience. Then I went through my reams of notes I had archived over the years — tips, techniques and strategies I had learned from my bosses, coworkers and friends online.
I had no plans to hold back anything!
Six weeks later I emerged, drained —
I had laid it all on the table.
It was all there — a book chock-full of all the secrets of software business — completely nakedcompletely EXPOSED!
I zipped it off to a programming buddy of mine, Rick Smith. He's been in the software business as long as I have. I wanted to know if I was even close to being on the mark. If it wasn't up to par, I knew Rick would be honest with me. (As painful as it would be to hear.)
This is what he came back with — for anyone who wasn't sure if"Software SecretsExposed!™" was right for them:
What Rick Said...
If you're looking for a knock-out guide to creating software products, look no further than Ben Prater's "SoftwareSecretsExposed!™".
Ben spills the beans in this massive "how-to" exposé. In fact, I found myself wishing Ben hadn't given away so many of my secrets for the quick-and-dirty tricks to developing hot software products.
Ben starts you from the beginning, showing you how to brainstorm hot ideas for software products that people wantright now. He gives you dozens of website links you can check out this very minute to see what people want. And it won't cost you one red cent to check them out! He also reveals how to make sure you have a software winner before you write one line of code!
Next, he'll show you how to plan the software project so that your final product is one you can be proud of. Believe me. Planning is usually the hardest part of a software development project. But with Ben's special BluePrint method, it will become almost like child's play for you.
And finally, the marketing methods Ben reveals are worth the cost of this masterpiece by themselves. Millions of dollars are left on the table every year by software developers who don't know how to market their products. But with Ben as your guide, that won't be the case for you. You'll feel like you're an expertat marketing your own software products.
The only thing Ben doesn't do is write the software for you! If you develop software products or you've ever thought about it, you owe it to yourself to check out "SoftwareSecretsExposed!™". Because if Ben Prater and this e-book can't help you develop software products and market them, you probably should see a doctor right away because you're probably beyond help!
— Rick Smith"The Net Guerrilla"
(26 years experience in the computer industry and author of "How to Use Your Computer Like a Tank to Roll Over Your Competition")
I guess I wasn't far off!
(Keep reading — I've included other comments by people that have had an opporunity to check out the course.)
Now let's get down to the nitty-gritty — let me show how my ultimate guide, "Software SecretsExposed!™" delivers the goods —

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